Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Our Blue Planet

We are lucky enough to live on one of the most beautiful spots in Universe.
This NASA film is a wonderful testimony to this fact!

So what do we do with our Home?
How much do we look after it?

...and how about our co-habitants on this jewel of the universe?

How willing are YOU to act and reduce your ecological footprint?
First, let's found out how significant it is by doing this quiz 
What's your role in this? What do you, your family, your school and your country already do to save our planet?
What commitments are you willing to make?


  1. Personaly,I do the basics to save the environment.In my family we recycle and reduce what we consume.My school hasn't done anything and in my country there are already some organisations to help the environment such as HELMEPA.

    my ecological footprint results were:"if everyone in the planet lived your lifestyle we would need 2.26 earths."I am now willing to make a change so I'll try to do my best.The good thing is to know that you're not the only one who wants to change.

  2. I do, as Manos says, the basics like recycle, turn off the lights when I leave a room, wear some of my brother's old clothes, and all my family too. My results of the quiz were that if someone lives in my licestyle he/she would need 2.36 earths. But I don't want to change it, this how I live and I am used of it. Although, I'll try.

  3. My family and school do the basics to save the environment like recycling. Also my country has many organizations that help the environment. Although my results of the quiz were “if everyone on the planet lived my lifestyle, we would need 1, 92 earths”, I want to try and help the environment more so that I would know that I am trying to do my best on helping the environment.

