Thursday, 4 July 2013

First impressions

How long does it take to form an impression on a person we meet for the first time?
How important or long-lasting is this impression? What can you do to make a positive first impression on people?
 Read this article to find out!

You have been asked to write an article for a young people's magazine about first  how much you trust your own first impressions. Also explain which of the tips provided in the article you find the most essential and explain why.


    Have you ever thought how much we can earn with a good first impression? Have you ever thought how we affect the others with our demeanor? So, there are some tips to make a good first impression.

    Our demeanor, our appearance, our charateristics, our body language, our moving and our face expressions affect the others and the impression that make for us. These are the charateristics we have to have good for making a good impression. You have to be courteous with all, control your mannerisms, encounter good people, have a good demeanor, care about the others and look after your appearance to make the people evaluate you with the better factors. But don't forget to be always yourself and not what the others want you to be. Because it's better to be yourself and hate than to be another person and love you.

    So, if you follow these tips you're going to make a good impression to the people.

    This article has written by:


    Making a good first impression plays an important role in many situations in life.For example,a good first impression can bring you friends,jobs or a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

    People evaluate you good when you make a good first impression,so you have to be attentive with your ecounters.what people look at you to form an opinion for you are your appearance,your body language,your demeanor,your mannerisms and your appearance.These first impressions also mean a lot for me so I take these into account when I meet people for the first time.

    Now here are some tips to help you with this:Be yourself,be at ease,because being nervous,having stress and feeling uncomfortable can always lead to a mess.
    Be positive and smile,because everyone likes happy people!
    Finally,present yourself appropriatly,because you won't want people make a false image about you.

    that's the basic idea,but for what still remains,I'm sure you'll figure it out.See you next time when I will write about art.

    Manos Simadiras


    Did you know that in just three seconds you can make a good or bad impression about yourself?Also did you know that making good impressions helps you in your life and with your career?Well,if you didn’t you should read this article.

    When you meet someone you sure want to make a good impression about yourself so that he/she forms an opinion based on your body language,your demeanor,your mannerisms and how you are dressed.

    Now,if you want to impress someone you should do the followings:
    Firstly,you should always be smily and happy,so that the others will think that you are a positive person.
    Finally,you should wear nice looking clothes,so that the others will think that you want to have a good appearance.
    If you do what I am writing then you will sure impress the others.

