Wednesday, 26 June 2019


How long does it take to form an impression on a person we meet for the first time?
How important or long-lasting is this impression? What can you do to make a positive first impression on people?
 Read this article to find out!

Is it easy for you to start a conversation? Why?/ Why not?
Do you think small talk is important?

Read this text and find out more ways to start a conversation.
Now Play the Small Talk Game!

1. Let's remember everything we know about Reported Speech looking here
2. Now, some practice...

...and a great song talking about feelings...

3. You have been asked to write an article of 180 words for a young people's 
magazine about first how much you trust your own first impressions. Also explain which of the tips provided in the article you find the most essential and explain why.
Write in this canvas
Help 1

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